Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tips Menjalankan OS Chrome di USB Flash Disk

OS Chrome belum secara resmi dirilis, tetapi OS Chrome sudah disebar dan dicoba. Konon untuk fitur aplikasi dan komputer kecil. Chrome OS lebih ringan dibanding OS Windows

Tertarik mencoba mengunakan Chrome OS via USB, caranya cari file chromiumos.img banyak beredari di jaringan Bitorrent. Atau berita sebelumnya melalui Hexxeh's Website download di tracker Bitorrent here1 dan here2

Di bawah ini informasi bagaimana mengunakan Chromium OS ke USB:

Untuk Windows
Download Image Writer for Windows ( and extract the program. Launch the program, and select the image (chromiumos.img) and your USB drive letter from the drop down box. Click "Write".
The install image will then be copied to the drive. Once it's done,

Link close the program and you can then boot from the USB drive. Download Win32Diskimager

Untuk Linux

Linux Instructions for installing Chromium OS to USB. Extract chromiumos.img and run the following command in the same directory as the file, where X is the device name of your USB drive.

sudo dd if=chromiumos.img of=/dev/X bs=4M

Once the command finishes, you can then boot from the USB drive.

File chromiumos.tar.gz adalah file kompress. Harus di extract dengan winRAR, dan harus dikeluarkan menjadi chromiumos.img 2.9GB

Gunakan Win32Diskimager untuk mengcopy file chromiumos.img ke USB flashdrive

Lalu pindahkan sistem boot computer ke USB. Hati hati mengunakan Win32 Disk Imager, pastikan flash drive anda kosong. Dan pastikan ketika memindahkan file img ke flash drive dengan letter drive yang benar.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pidato Penghijauan

Yang terhormat
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kita dapat berkumpul dalam acara Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris dalam rangka Ulang Tahun SMA NEGERI 3 CILACAP dan hari sumpahpemu dalam keadaan sehat.

Hadirin yang berbahagia pada kesempatan ini, perkenankan saya untuk mengutarakan sedikit tentang penghijauan. Di era globalisasi seperti ini, lahan-lahan kosong mulai hilang, pabrik-pabrik banyak dibangun sehingga polusi udara makin meningkat. Hutan yang disebut paru-paru dunia mulai menipis. Itu semua dapat menimbulkan dampak yang tidak baik bagi alam dan kita semua. Disaat inilah penghijauan menjadi sebuah hal yang sangat penting. Penghijauan merupakan suatu usaha dalam upaya perbaikan alam.
Banyak manfaat yang diperoleh dari penghijauan, contohnya: berkurangnya polusi udara, keasrian lingkungan, terciptanya kestabilan alam, dan sebagainya.
Ada berbagai cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menggalangkan penghijauan, seperti reboisasi, pembuatan taman kota, dan menggunakan sistem tebang pilih tanam. Dalam penggalangan penghijauan ini, kita tidak boleh hanya sekedar menunggu orang lain atau pemerintah untuk melaksanakannya, namun ini menjadi tanggung jawab kita bersama.
Kita bisa melakukanya dari hal-hal yang kecil, menyisakan lahan untuk menanam pohon yang rindang di rumah, menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, apalagi sekarang kita memperingati hari sumpahpemuda, kita bisa ikut berpartisipasi dengan melakukan kegiatan kegiatan positif contohnya ya seperti yang saya jelaskan barusan. Dengan harapan dari hal-hal kecil yang kita lakukan dapat menimbulkan manfaat yang besar. Jadi mulai sekarang jaga alam untuk masa depan kita.
Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Jika ada kesalahan dari tutur kata saya, baik disengaja atau tidak saya mohon maaf. Terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. wb

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nvidia GeForce GTX260 Sale 'Cheap' To Compete With ATI

Quite surprising, originally ATI VGA will slash rates this month. Nvidia already appeared first GTX260 down this sunday. Price war between ATI and NVidia increasingly violent, and this is desired by buyers.

Price Nvidia GeForce GTX260 actually still go on the $ 200. But just out that the Nvidia GeForce GTX260 already displayed in Neweggs with the price $ 169. This means Nvidia GeForce GTX260 price does not vary much with the ATI Radeon HD 4870, which will dipatok dikisaran $ 150.

XFX become the first vendor to offer Nvidia GeForce GTX260 type reference board only $ 169.99 after $ 30 discount. EVGA, Sparkle and BFG offers between $ 179.99 to $ 183.99. Unless overclocking version sold over $ 200

Source :

Monday, March 16, 2009

Calibre looks like the essential app for eBook fans

If you're starting to amass a large collection of eBooks, formatted for all kinds of different readers, Calibre might be just what you need to help organize them. It's a cross-platform app that can read and tag eBooks from Kindle 1 and 2, iPhone, and readers from Sony and Cybook. It can also convert text from all kinds of sources into eBook format, and function as its own server of sorts, so you can access your library online.

Calibre also looks great, with a display mode similar to the Cover Flow in iTunes -- can someone explain what's up with Cover Flow being so hot right now? -- and a more practical list mode that just shows cover images on the side. You can also edit or fill in information about your books from Calibre, to make sure your library is accurate and organized. Oh, and if you're a fan of the Stanza reader on the iPhone, Calibre's hosting feature makes your books accessible through that, too.

Source : Jay Hathaway

Best security questions to ask about SaaS

Security issues have to be clearly examined before diving into software as a service (SaaS), warns Burton Group analyst Eric Maiwald, who shed some light on the subject at this week's Infosec conference.
SaaS, offered via a cloud computing platform, can offer cost savings and speed in platform deployment in many instances, compared to a business trying to acquire and install software internally. Businesses eager to race into the cloud typically say "they can measure the cost savings the first couple of years," said Maiwald. "But I think they're leaving something out."
What's often missing is inclusion of the costs to conduct a suitable level of verification on the vendor, including security and legal reviews, data-center site visits and other practices necessary to ensure compliance obligations are met.
Beyond the hard cost considerations, there are myriad security questions any business should be asking, Maiwald said. These include:
- Which of the SaaS employees has root and database access, and will anything prevent them from getting access to your corporate data? What controls are in place?
- Is data held encrypted? How?
- Is the held data separated between clients or is it all stored on one huge database out there? How is data separated? How will the legal question of e-discovery be addressed should it arise as a business concern?
- Is the data flowing between the business and the vendor's cloud-computing infrastructure secured in some way?
- What controls would prevent vendor insiders from downloading your data onto a USB stick and walking out the door?
- In terms of service availability, can you get your vendor to sign a service-level agreement?
- Is their data center in a location prone to hurricanes or earthquakes? What are their back-up plans?
- What information is captured in audit logs?
- Are there ways to limit where SaaS vendors go within the corporate network?
Despite his critical remarks, Maiwald acknowledged in some instances SaaS and cloud computing vendors may offer better availability than their business clientele could achieve due to the investments vendors can make to scale up their services.
"Google, Microsoft, Amazon are doing amazing stuff with what they're putting into their data centers," he said.
He noted that a few years ago SaaS-styled vendors would be vague in discussing their security controls, but just recently at a forum with, Qualys, IBM and others, he found vendors much more forthcoming than previously.
One aspect of SaaS to be mindful about is that vendors prefer to provide a common set of services in order to take advantage of scale, Maiwald pointed out. So that means "vendors may not be willing to change internal policies as their economies of scale will suffer," he said.
Maiwald added that technical controls, such as for content or rights management, typically don't work as well in an outsourced environment. When you entrust your data to SaaS, "audit replaces your day-to-day management controls and technical controls," he asserts, adding contracts have to carefully crafted, something IT people will need a lot of help in from legal staff.
Many businesses may want to ask if the SaaS vendor they're considering has passed a so-called "SAS 70" audit, Maiwald said. There are two types of SAS-70 audits, he points out, and Type 2 is much more stringent.
The larger question of how SaaS may impact the business in general can't be ignored since companies may be sacrificing IT skills and competence when they choose SaaS. Maiwald said his basic recommendation would be to limit the number of SaaS vendors to a few strategic partners.

Source : computerworld

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nintendo Ships 100 Millionth DS

Nintendo declared in a press release that it shipped its 100 millionth Nintendo DS as of March 6, 2009. The 100 million figure includes the combined sales of all versions of the Nintendo DS that have been sold including, the original Nintendo DS, the Nintendo DS Lite, and the Nintendo DSi.
According to Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime, "Consumers have shown their love for Nintendo DS - 100 million times over.” He also expressed his gratitude to Nintendo’s customers and reaffirmed Nintendo’s commitment to provide new experiences stating, "We are grateful that people of all ages continue to respond to our products, and we will continue to look for ways to please current gamers and create new ones."

One of the new experiences offered by Nintendo is the third iteration of the DS, the Nintendo DSi. Nintendo devoted a full paragraph for promoting the new DS in their press release. The Nintendo DSi launches in the United States on April 5 and includes two cameras and the ability to record, manipulate and play sound files.
According to the press release, 83 Nintendo DS titles have exceeded 1 million copies shipped as of December 31, 2008. Seven of these titles have topped 10 million. Nintendo proudly declared games like Nintendogs and the Brain Age series began a paradigm shift for the industry. Nintendo was able to grow the traditional audience for video games beyond young men to include girls, adult men, women and even seniors.
On top of the success enjoyed by their more innovative games, traditional game franchises like New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart continue to see success. In Nintendo’s own words Nintendo DS games demonstrate an "evergreen" quality. They frequently remain in the top-selling lists, months or even years after their launch.


Finally Hotmail POP3 Support

Windows Live development team announced that POP3 access to Hotmail has been opened to all users in the world! In January of this feature is valid, but still limited to users in the area of the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and then appear in the United States and Brazil in February. But now everyone can enjoy and be good news for all loyal Hotmail users. This means you are free to choose to use email client applications for Microsoft than the property can access the email quickly and easily.

For you who do not know what it is POP3, the short is a protocol that allows almost any email client application installed on a PC or handheld device can take to email messages from the inbox on the web and display it in the application. Excess access email through an email client such as Thunderbird and the other is you can make backups of all the messages you have, the more bandwidth sparingly (do not load the site and jewelry ads), check email periodically and notice if any new messages that enter the inbox, offline access and so forth.

Reason why Microsoft needs a long time to use POP3 to Hotmail in the past is because they already have similar technology, namely DeltaSync. But it can only be used through MS Outlook, Windows Live Mail and Windows Live for Mobile at Microsoft. While POP3 has been used widely in many applications and especially in the handheld device.

To use the POP3 feature on this application that we want the necessary first. Simple settings, simply create a new account on the client email application with the settings that are already Windows Live team by the following:
POP server: (Port 995)
User name: your Windows Live ID, such
Password: passowrd that you usually use to access Hotmail or Windows Live
SMTP server: (Port 25 or 587)
Authentication: Yes (with the same username and password previously)
TLS / SSL: Yes
Other features for Hotmail will be launched soon, including the addition of facilities that integrate web Messenger.

Sumber: Lifehacker

Saturday, March 14, 2009

World Wide Web Returning to Year 20

Date 13 March 2009 is the anniversary of the World Wide Web to-20. On the day that Sir Tim Berners-Lee found a world of technology modifier internet in 1989. Not denied that this simple technology has brought great changes to human civilization and to this day still growing.

Not extracted success world wide web, Berners-Lee has some brilliant ideas about the direction of the evolution of web technology. Berners-Lee's vision is that new progress could be a foundation for innovation that we can not even imagine today.

One year ago, Berners-Lee said that all the components needed to build the new semantic web has been completed. Months ago he was giving a speech at the TED conference about a new concept called the "Linked Data," the idea that he express first time in 2006.

To see your own vision of Berners-Lee on the web, below I have a speech tanamkan video Berners-Lee at TED months ago. (via RWW ) (via RWW)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

U.S. $ 250,000 To You

Wow ,,,,,
Gifts have the U.S. $ 250,000 from Microsoft to anyone who has found a worm Conficker. worm Conficker move so quickly through the slit of the slit Microsoft Windows. Conficker also able to turn off anti-malware protection, and will block the infected computer that can’t access the virus protection.
Just imagine, conficker has even spread to france military machine, in which combat aircraft navigation france participate exposed dampaknya.Symantec reported more than 2.2 million IP addresses that are only within 5 days have been infected conficker.
Now the Microsoft has been working with Verisign, NeuStar, Public Internet Registry, Global Domains International, AOL, and F-Secure, George Tech and several other organizations to capture the conficker.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


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